credit card detail
MPC In the News November 07, 2023

MarketWatch: Could Congress Really 'Kill' Credit Card Rewards?

Supporters of the Credit Card Competition Act also argue that, even with cheaper payment networks, financial institutions will still use rewards to market to and compete for customers. “Rewards are determined by the bank that issues a card, not the network that processes the transaction,” said (MPC Executive Committee member) Stephanie Martz, chief administrative officer and general counsel for the National Retail Federation. She called airlines’ criticism of the bill “a scare tactic to mislead Congress.” “The amount of revenue banks would lose is a small fraction of total swipe fee collections, far from enough to put an end to rewards,” she said.

choosing card payment
MPC In the News November 03, 2023

Motley Fool: 'Reduce Excessive Credit Card Fees' -- Why Visa and Mastercard Investors Should Keep an Eye on Congress

(MPC Executive Committee member) Doug Kantor, chief counsel for the National Association of Convenience Stores, says the legislation could reduce swipe fees by $11 billion annually. Christine Pollack, vice president of government relations at the Food Industry Association (an also an MPC Executive Committee member), says hidden processing fees cost the average U.S. family $900 annually.

green payment cards
MPC In the News November 01, 2023

Payments Journal: Is the Credit Card Competition Act Really Going to Destroy Rewards Programs?

The Merchants Payments Coalition counters that the legislation could lead to lower consumer prices without affecting credit card rewards programs. The group points out that the legislation projects to save $15 billion in swipe fees, which amounts to less than 10 percent of banks’ revenues from the fees.

online card payment
MPC In the News November 01, 2023

Furniture Today: Merchant Group Continues Urging Credit Card Competition Act

The Merchants Payments Coalition told Congress today that only this legislative proposal that would bar China’s credit card network, China UnionPay, from the U.S. payments market. “The two dominant payment networks in the United States – Visa and Mastercard – have welcomed China UnionPay into standard-setting for U.S. payments,” MPC said in a letter to all members of the House and Senate. “This is dangerous and wrong.”

online card payment
MPC In the News November 01, 2023

Politico Influence: Playing the China Card

In a letter to Scott and Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) this morning, the Merchants Payments Coalition sought to link Visa and Mastercard with the company, noting they allowed UnionPay to join the security standards group EMVCo a decade ago. “Today, there is no law preventing Visa, Mastercard or any of the banks for which Visa and Mastercard set credit card prices and rules from working with China UnionPay,” the coalition wrote. “There is, however, one piece of legislation that would create a legal restriction prohibiting China UnionPay from being enabled on any U.S. credit card — the Credit Card Competition Act.”

card tap payment
MPC In the News October 30, 2023

Hardware Retailing: Federal Reserve Proposes Lower Cap on Debit Card Swipe Fees

“Visa and Mastercard’s profit margins are more than 20 times what merchants make, and their megaprofits are still rising,” says MPC executive committee member and National Association of Convenience Stores general counsel Doug Kantor. “Businesses in competitive markets just don’t make those profit margins. With no competition or fairness, this is a broken market that only Congress can fix. It’s time to pass the Credit Card Competition Act so credit card companies will have to compete the same as small businesses.”

credit cards and laptop keyboard
MPC In the News October 26, 2023

Progressive Grocer: Grocery Industry Supports Fed's Bid to Reduce Debit Interchange Rate

“Banks have been charging more than five times their costs for debit card transactions, and the Fed is finally saying that’s too much,” said MPC Executive Committee member and National Association of Convenience Stores General Counsel Doug Kantor. “This is a step in the right direction toward the real, competitive market that Congress wanted to see, but still leaves the fees too high. Merchants and the consumers who ultimately pay these fees have been overcharged for far too long, so we need to get this right.”

card tap payment
MPC In the News October 26, 2023

Gifts and Decorative Accessories: Do 'Soaring Profits' for Visa and Mastercard Prove We Need Better Regulation? The Merchants Payments Coalition Says the Credit Card Market is Broken

According to the Merchants Payments Coalition, soaring profits reported by Visa and Mastercard this week are further evidence that the credit card market is broken and not competitive. The retail group released a statement criticizing the companies and their margins, as well as calling for reform.

green payment cards
MPC In the News October 26, 2023

Chain Drug Review: Retailers Say Proposed Swipe Fee Cut Is Not Enough

A retail group said Wednesday that a proposed reduction in the “swipe” fees that merchants pay banks to process debit card transactions is welcome but doesn’t go far enough. The Merchants Payments Coalition responded to the Federal Reserve’s proposal to lower the basic amount banks are allowed to charge from a maximum of 21 cents to 14.4 cents per transaction.

credit card detail
MPC In the News October 26, 2023

American Banker: Mastercard CEO Slams Proposals to Alter Swipe Fees

The bill's supporters say it would generate competition that will lower card fees. In an American Banker op-ed, Doug Kantor, general counsel of the National Association of Convenience Stores, said: "The answer [to high fees] is to pass legislation that fixes the broken credit card market by requiring big banks and giant card networks to compete the same way small businesses do every day."