Congressional Hearings Examining Credit Card Swipe Fees
Congress has held 17 hearings examining credit card swipe fees over the past 18 years.
MPC TV Commercial: Credit Card Swipe Fees Are a Punch in the Face
“Ever get the feeling big banks are taking a swipe at you?” a new Merchants Payments Coalition TV ad asks. “They are. Every time you swipe your credit card banks make big money, charging you up to 3% in hidden fees.”
In Case You Missed It -- Small Businesses February 2023
In case you've missed it, here's a look at what small businesses are saying about credit card swipe fees...
MPC Calls Banks' Swipe Fee Claims 'Downright Lies'
MPC told Congress a recent letter from banking associations was "filled with half-truths, untruths and downright lies" and presented a marked-up copy to set the record straight.
MPC Letter to the House Committee on Financial Services
The Merchants Payments Coalition applauds the Committee’s interest and concern with inflation as shown in today’s hearing on “The Inflation Equation: Corporate Profiteering, Supply Chain Bottlenecks and COVID-19” and requests to have this letter submitted into the hearing record. MPC advocates on behalf of the millions of Main Street merchants that accept credit and debit cards in every Congressional district.
MPC's Comments on Clarification of the Fed's Regulation II
The Merchants Payments Coalition (MPC) is grateful for the opportunity to provide comment on the Board’s proposed clarification of Regulation II. The language of Regulation II is clear that two unaffiliated networks must be available for all debit transactions, yet for too many years many of the largest issuers have failed to meet that requirement.